Monday, August 3, 2009

Fruit Soup (Shirley Hale)

10 oranges
5 grapefruits
1 medium jar Marciano cherries
4 kiwis (optional)
1 can pineapple tidbits(optional)
2 bananas (optional)
Orange Juice to taste

Cut tops and bottoms off of oranges and grapefruit. Remove remaining peel with a knife and segment fruit into a large bowl. Discard pith (membrane). Add can of pineapple including juice, and drained cherries into bowel. If you want more sauce with your fruit add orange juic, about 1 to 2 cups. Chill in refrigerator until ready to eat. Right before serving add sliced bananas and kiwi.

Shirley Hale's Variation
2 cups simple syrup instead of sugar (recipe to follow)
omit pineapple, kiwi, bananas, and orange juice

Simple Syrup
1 ½ cups sugar
1cup water

Combine water and sugar in a saucepan. Cook over med-low heat until dissolved, stirring occasionally. Set aside to cool.

JoAnn Hickman's Variation
Sugar to taste
Orange juice to taste
juice from Marciano cherries

Lucy Hickman's Variation
1 tsp grenadine syrup
2 or 3 TBS of sugar
juice of 1 lime

*This recipe origanated with Shirley Hale and has been adopted by JoAnn, Lucy, and other Hickman family members as a favorite Christmas time treat!

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